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Family Membership Requirements

To qualify for membership in Sky’s the Limit Homeschool Group, families must meet the following criteria:

  • Homeschooling Requirement: Be an active homeschooling or home-based learning family with at least one child being homeschooled or cyber-schooled.

  • Age Requirement: Have a child of compulsory school age. Families with pre-K children may participate in our pre-K programs if space permits and they are actively considering homeschooling. Priority will be given to children of compulsory school age.

  • Membership Exceptions: Certain exceptions are granted for select course teachers or community members due to their expertise or experience.

  • Dues and Fees: Session Membership Dues and class fees must be paid in full by the first week of each session.

  • Clearances: Clearances must be submitted by the first day of classes, as required by Pennsylvania state law, unless previously provided.

  • Volunteer Duties: To maintain membership, all families are expected to actively participate in volunteer duties, such as early setup, teaching, assisting in classrooms, helping in nursery or preschool rooms, overseeing common areas, serving as page managers, joining the clean-up crew, or acting as parent floaters.

Volunteer Requirements:

  • Half-Day Members: Fulfill 2 volunteer slots.

  • Full Single-Day Members: Fulfill 3 volunteer slots.

  • Dual-Day Members: Fulfill 5 volunteer slots across the two days.

By adhering to these requirements, we ensure a thriving and cooperative community for all members.