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Clearance Instructions

Clearance Instructions

Visit: PA DHS Keep Kids Safe

Step 1: Click on Clearances

You will need the following clearances:

  1. Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance (Follow the website instructions) – FREE

  2. Pennsylvania State Police Criminal History Clearance (Follow the website instructions) – FREE

  3. Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Criminal History Clearance
    Only needed if you have lived outside of Pennsylvania within the last 10 years.
    If applicable, you will need to complete the FBI Criminal History and Fingerprinting. The cost is $22.60. Sky’s the Limit does not cover this fee.
      Use the code 1KG738 to make your fingerprint appointment.

If you have not lived outside of PA:
Simply sign and submit the following form: Disclosure Statement for Volunteers

Please email or scan all clearances to [email protected] or hand-deliver them to a board member.